Wednesday, October 11, 2006

OCT 11TH, 2006

sometimes school is funny...i was supposed to wake up extra early and go to school so i could decorate molly and rachel's lockers (yeah right, like IM gonna get up early)...i ended up waking up at quarter after 8 and not getting to school until about 8:45...ahhathen i had to sit through stupid family studies which is freaking boringand we never have anything to do because im already days ahead..THEN i had a spare, and there was a DUMB FIREDRILL! sdkhfi hate it, we just go stand on the field like idiots, then the teacherssay "good job" and we go back inside. GAY.Then came lunch, and derek was being a jerk and decided to be mean to me and rachel, because he's an ass like that.and me and rachel went for a walk...we were cute bestfriends.COMP CIV our whole class including the teacher made fun ofthe racist kid in our class ( he wasnt there, dont worry)...we had this army guy come in and talk to us about guns...i didnt really learn anything...we just looked at pictures of trucks and guns..woot, educationalthen there was band....thats self explanitory.from there, i got home and fixed myself some very deliciouscheesy ravioli while talking to jordan on the all my wild truth stuff together, and danae picked me up.Got to wild truth and did my amazingly sweet craft with the kids...had bible study...came home, and had salad and ice cream


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