Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Sometimes I find it hard to gather my thoughts. It's almost like I'm trying to collect them in a colander and they keep sifting out the bottom. But sometimes it does happen. Sometimes I can make sense with the multiple situations, possibilities, stresses and thoughts floating around in my head. I enjoy those times when I can sit and actually think about one thing for more that a millisecond. When I can sit on my couch and enjoy a nice cup of tea with a book and not get distracted by anything that moves or makes noise around me...

It's interesting being taught to think again....

Monday, January 17, 2011


I've never really felt comfortable sharing my writing with anyone... which makes me wonder why i started a blog in the first place. I've recently decided to get over this fear.

It would take me days to summon up the courage to read an essay I'd written in front of my class, or it would take tears to share a story I'd written in elementary school... I was told today that in one of my classes that we were going to have to make copies of all of our assignments and hand them out to the other students so they could critique them. My first reaction was fear. I didn't want people to read anything I've read at all.. But then some weird switch happened in my brain. All of a sudden it was like I took it as a challenge. I took it as a challenge to make myself a better writer so I would and could be confident about the things that I was handing out to the rest of the class, and my papers in the other classes...

Writing? bring it on...